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Fertility Resources

Infertility Organizations Providing Support

Support for Consumers and patients

Fertility Resources

This page lists local and national, non-profit, infertility organizations providing ongoing support for consumers and patients. IHR’s Web site has a Professional Infertility Organizations page with links to professional organizations, which often provide useful information for consumers and patients.

The Utah Infertility Resource Center provides groups, education, and specialized counseling beyond my area of expertise. Although I have some training in infertility counseling and do specialize in grief recovery around stillbirth, infant loss, and miscarriage, I typically refer folks with infertility struggles to the UIRC first.

American Fertility Association – National non-profit organization which provides reproductive information, a national newsletter, support groups, advocacy support, and research support.

American Pregnancy Association – National health organization committed to promoting reproductive and pregnancy wellness through research, education and community awareness; offers a toll-free education line, discussion forum, and interactive tools.

C.O.T.S (Childlessness Overcome Through Surrogacy) – Surrogacy information

Endometriosis Association – Non-profit, self-help organization dedicated to providing information and support, educating the public and medical community, and conducting/promoting research

Growth House, Inc. – End of life support, including support with grief related to pregnancy and infant death

Hannah’s Prayer – Christian infertility and pregnancy loss support network

Infertility Network – registered Canadian charity providing information and support to those who have difficulty conceiving, or carrying a pregnancy to term, to help them make informed choices about their options

Male Reproductive Health Alliance (MRHA) – This alliance is a national group of societies with the mission of promoting public health and public awareness of male reproductive issues.

National Infertility Network Exchange (NINE) – a national not for profit organization for persons and couples with impaired fertility, and the professionals that serve them.

Organization of Parents Through Surrogacy (OPTS) – mutual support and surrogate parenting information

PCOSupport – The Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Association – Voluntary organization dedicated to promoting research and understanding of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). 

RESOLVE – Nonprofit organization that assists people to resolve their infertility by providing information and support. Includes a list of local chapters.

SANDS – Support group for parents who experience miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death

Society for Male Reproduction and Urology (SMRU) – contains information about male reproduction and urology physicians

Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (SREI) – professional Web site, however, contains a search function for finding Reproductive Endocrinologists

Society of Reproductive Surgeons (SRS) – contains information about reproductive surgeons

Stepping Stones – a Christ centered ministry for couples facing fertility challenges or pregnancy loss

Surrogate Mothers Online – Provides information, support, and friendship to surrogate mothers and potential surrogate mothers as well as parents and prospective parents via surrogacy.

The American Surrogacy Center, Inc. (TASC) – Promotes the exchange of information on medical infertility treatments, surrogacy alternatives, current legal status, and practitioners.


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50-Minute Session – Individuals: $200

50-Minute Session – Couples: $250

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  • Suspected child abuse or dependent adult or elder abuse, for which I am required by law to report this to the appropriate authorities immediately.
  • If a client is threatening serious bodily harm to another person/s, I must notify the police and inform the intended victim.
  • If a client intends to harm himself or herself, I will make every effort to enlist their cooperation in insuring their safety. If they do not cooperate, I will take further measures without their permission that are provided to me by law in order to ensure their safety.
  • Therapists are required by law to report incidences of sexual misconduct on the part of other therapists.
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There are several ways you can communicate with me without having to send information over the Internet: in person, by phone, fax or mail.

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Perinatal Depression/Anxiety

Treatment Options

Thyroid Tests 

About 10% of women will have thyroiditis during the postpartum period. Thyroid disorders can cause anxiety and depression. In order to rule out thyroiditis, a thyroid test (free T4, TSH, anti-TPO, anti-thyroglobulin) is recommended after six months postpartum if the woman is experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety.

Lowering Inflammation: Key approaches 

Recent research has linked PPD/anxiety and other perinatal illnesses with increased levels of inflammation in the body. Inflammation levels generally rise at the end of pregnancy and chronic stress before, during, or after pregnancy can significantly increase inflammation leading to symptoms of depression and anxiety. The below treatments, including psychotropic medication, help to lower inflammation levels. 


Deficiencies in major vitamins and minerals can cause symptoms of depression and anxiety. Continuing to take a high-quality food-based prenatal vitamin can help rule out this potential underlying cause. Ask your healthcare provider to test your vitamin D levels as low levels of this hormone can greatly influence mood. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to prevent and treat mild to moderate depression and anxiety in perinatal women at a dosage of 1000-3000mg combined DHA and EPA, and are considered safe for nursing. Some practitioners may recommend up to 9000mg depending on severity. They can be used along with psychotropic medications safely. 

Support Groups 

Social support in various forms has been shown to both prevent and mitigate the symptoms of PPD/anxiety. PPD support groups usually offer education and resources on her symptoms or mood disorders and often friendships formed in these support groups last for a long time. Usually babies are welcome in these groups. For a list of nationwide support groups contact Postpartum Support International at or 805-967-7636. 


It is very important that a mother with symptoms of perinatal mood or anxiety disorders seek treatment from a therapist who specializes in treating pregnant and postpartum women or who is willing to get educated about these issues. A therapist who is well connected to the perinatal professional community should be a member of one of the major organizations that serve perinatal women, such as Postpartum Support International ( or 805-967-7636). Postpartum depression is different from other types of depression. In fact, the term “Postpartum Depression” is used very loosely to also include postpartum anxiety, panic disorder (panic attacks), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and postpartum OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). The postpartum mother should ask the therapist what type of therapy the person would use. Research has shown that cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal psychotherapies are the most effective modalities to treat postpartum depression. 

Recent research also supports the use of acupuncture, bright light therapy, and yoga as effective treatments of mild to moderate depression in pregnant and postpartum women. St. John’s Wort, has been shown to be effective in treating mild to moderate symptoms in postpartum women but warrants further research on safety during pregnancy. Other approaches include amino acid therapy. Both 5-HTP and SAM-E are evidenced based treatments for depression and anxiety and do not require a prescription. Like many anti-depressants, they have not been well studied in nursing women. Ask your healthcare provider for more information. Postpartum doula care, exercise, massage, homeopathic remedies, chiropractic, hypnotherapy, and nutritional support are all being studied for effectiveness in prevention and treatment and are often helpful options for women to consider as they tailor a treatment plan unique to them. Women should always check with their healthcare provider for safety, as some herbs and illegal drugs can cause serious damage to both mother and infant. Often alternative therapies can complement counseling and/or medication when provided by a licensed healthcare professional.   

Postpartum Depression / Anxiety

Signs and Symptoms

This pages shares common emotional health reactions during pregnancy, the first year postpartum, and for those with a pregnancy loss, who have adopted, and women dealing with fertility challenges. The following can also be signs of Post-abortion Stress Syndrome or “PASS” as well.

Your emotional health during this time is extremely important. Below is a list of distressing emotional reactions that 1 in 5 women will experience during pregnancy and the first year after childbirth/adoption, infertility, miscarriage or loss. If any of these apply to you, please know that with proper support and early detection, most women can begin to feel better rapidly and more fully enjoy their lives, relationships, and the experience of parenting.

  • Baby Blues– Signs include weepiness, irritability, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Resolves or dramatically improves the first three weeks after childbirth. Up to 80% of women will experience the baby blues.
  • Depression/ Anxiety – Symptoms include feeling anxious, agitated, sleeping too much or difficulty “sleeping when the baby sleeps”, excessive worrying, tearfulness, irritability, anger, guilt & shame, feeling disconnected from your family and/or baby, appetite changes, difficulty concentrating, and possible thoughts of harming the baby or yourself. (10-25%)
  • Panic – Signs include feeling worried, anxious or very nervous most of the time. Recurring panic attacks, which include heart palpitations, shortness of breath and/or chest pain, nausea/vomiting or fear of dying. (15%)
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder – Can occur during pregnancy or following a childbirth which is perceived as traumatic. Usually involves distressing memories, irritability, difficulty sleeping, nightmares, hyper-vigilance, and efforts to avoid reminders of the trauma. Symptoms may be related to a prior traumatic experience or the birth itself. (3-5%)
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – Symptoms include intrusive and disturbing thoughts and/or images of harm coming to the baby, as well as a sense of horror about having these thoughts. Usually includes a preoccupation with keeping the baby safe through repetitive actions to reduce the fear and obsessions. Women disturbed by these thoughts are very unlikely to ever act on them. (3-5%)
  • Postpartum Psychosis – Usually occurs within the first few days or weeks after birth. Includes having strange beliefs, hallucinations, irritability and agitation, inability to sleep, rapid mood changes, and poor decision-making. Women with psychosis are not disturbed by the nature of their thoughts or find them unusual. Women with psychosis are at significant risk for harming themselves and/or their infants, and need immediate crisis intervention. Occurs in 1-3 per 1000 births (.1-.3%)
  • For women with bi-polar disorder. Women with bi-polar disorder are at a significantly higher risk of experiencing psychosis, particularly if they are not taking medication and are extremely sleep-deprived. It is important to develop a wellness plan with a practitioner familiar with postpartum illnesses. Having adequate support is a must.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, please call to make an appointment, contact your healthcare provider and/or call Postpartum Support International at (800) 944-4PPD (944-4773) PSI is the largest perinatal support agency in U.S. PSI’s toll-free WarmLine (English & Spanish) serves over 1,000 callers a month and is staffed by a volunteer team of PSI trained responders who rapidly refer callers to appropriate local resources, including emergency services.